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AKC, WBBA & SABBS No. 0675142
EST. 2006

I would like to take the time to introduce myself and my family. Our family consists of Ben, myself (Danielle) and our beautiful daughter Parabelle. Back in 2005 is when I first heard of this beautiful breed of dog. I grew up with Newfoundlands and have always had the desire for larger, impressive dogs. After about a good year of research I welcomed with open arms my first male Skannon. In simple words I got dealt the wrong card with him. I struggled for 14 months with a ticking time bomb. He left a strong impression on myself and others, however I learned more than one can imagine from him. After dealing with him I researched and researched and researched more into his pedigree and found others that had the same issues, (this was a moment when you ask yourself did I do enough research, or did I jump to get a puppy too fast?) While the months of training Skannon I welcomed my first female, Mylle into our lives but I had 2 beautiful Boerboels with 2 totally different temperaments. Without me going into great detail, Skannons day had come and sadly I had to put him to rest. His health was great and he was surely a beautiful young boy, but as a potential breeder at that time I had to make the ethical, smart, but hardest choice of my life. I then was offered to train two puppies from a breeder. I wanted to take this opportunity to move forward. This is truly when I fell in LOVE with what this breed is capable of. These two puppies I took on were Brembo and his sister Mercy. Brembo stole my heart from the moment he showed up at my house. I proceeded with training of Mylle, Brembo and Mercy. About a week into having the two pups, I told the breeder Brembo isn't going anywhere!! The time came and Mercy found her new loving home and I settled the pack down to Mylle and Brembo. I can discuss in more detail about my journey as you and I create a relationship if Im the breeder for you.
I did hit a hard spot in my life that forced me to make choices I wish I never had to. I had to place all my dogs and some of their stories had unforeseen endings. It took me a while to regain my spirits and find my passion again, it never went away I just needed that one special pup to pick me back up! So we welcomed Shombay Ogio to Mae Boerboel.
I hope to share many more of my stories and help you along the way of owning these special dogs. With devotion and discipline you will have exactly what your looking for in your Boerboel!

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