AKC, WBBA & SABBS No. 0675142
EST. 2006

Mae Nothing But Mayhem
Father: Barbarian Moses
Mother: Mae Lyra
DOB: May 23rd 2022
SABBS: 90.2%
AKC: WS77755501
Hips: OFA Mild
Elbows: OFA Normal
Heart: Echo Normal
Ec/En: Negative
Optimal Selection DNA: Clear
Only to FULLY Health Tested Females

Mae Nothing But Mayhem was placed on a Co-Own with a very special lady. Sadly, life throws us curve balls and we were have taken him back into our pack! Mayhem will be fully health tested this summer and appraised in fall with SABBS.
In the mean time we have him entered into a few AKC shows.
Mayhem settled in better than I had thought for an almost 2 year old adolescent male. He's acted like he's lived here from day one (which I guess if he remember his first 8 weeks lol) He is a VERY tall boy at 29" tall and bounces between 167-170. Mayhem is a very athletic male, he also floats in his movement one reason we are excited to see how he will do under the eyes of the AKC Judges!
His strong points are his beautiful topline and rear angulation. We strive to produce those two qualities in our offspring. His deep apricot/reddish coat color is also very easy on the eyes! We have some breeding pairings planned for him pending his health testings.
He also is available to outside stud service only to approved females.
Below are photos of Mayhem's Parents

Barbarian Moses