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Mae The Blonde Bombshell

Father: Maweza Disselboom
Mother: Red Oak Montana
DOB: December 15th, 2019
SABT: 86.5% (L) 
AKC: Coming Soon
Hips: R.72 L.64 (Left MILD OA)
Elbows: OFA Normal
Heart: Echo Normal

VH: Negative
Ec/En: Negative

Optimal Selection DNA: CMR1
Ohhhh, Frey Frey!  She is identical to her mother Red Oak Montana!  A true sweetheart with a little more edge!
She is darn near perfect in our eyes, both temperament and structure.  Freya oddly enough enjoys being the 2nd "Log Dog" here in our pack which makes that pose here pretty comical.  Freya is still young and will undergo the mandatory health screenings early 2021. 
If all goes well we have a stellar stud waiting to be bred to her.  I expect Freya to continue to live up to her name 'The Blonde Bombshell' the more she matures and I only expect her to be as an amazing mom like her mother Montana.

Below are photos of her Parents

Maweza Disselboom
Red Oak Hemi Mea Rose

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