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AKC, WBBA & SABBS No. 0675142
EST. 2006

Mae The Brave Mor'du
Father: Maweza Disselboom
Mother: Red Oak Montana
DOB: December 15th, 2019

What can I say about this boy other than he's my Soul Dog! Mor'du is always the hit whenever anyone comes to visit, friends, family puppy owners, EVERYONE! His temperament is far and few between and hes always eager to please. He is very humble, kinda like an old man! Its hilarious to watch how pretty much every man that comes here will be pulling out their phone and taking a photo of their hand on the top of his massive head. Simply Mor'du is just a GOOD BOY!
Sadly we will not be using him in our breeding program. They don't always make the cut, however, he is what we call our Therapy Dog, no matter what mood you're in he is there to either take away sadness, stress or anxiety!
Below are photos of Mor'du's Parents

Maweza Disselboom

Red Oak Hemi Mea Rose
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